D is for Dilation

D is for Dilation

Dilation is when the cervix opens to allow your baby to be delivered.  This occurs when the uterus contracts, putting pressure on the cervix, which causes it to open more and more.  Some women begin to dilate before labor begins while others only dilate during labor.  You may begin to dilate even before you have any noticeable contractions.  Dilation is one of many components necessary for the birth of your baby to occur.  These components are dilation, effacement, consistency, position, and your baby’s station – together these comprise your bishop score and determine how ready your body is to deliver your baby…

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C is for Cervical Checks

C is for Cervical Checks

One of the most uncomfortable parts of pregnancy, cervical checks, sadly continues during labor.  When you first arrive at the hospital to be admitted, you will be taken to a triage room where a cervical check will be performed to check your labor progress.  This allows the nurses to determine whether or not to admit you and also tells them if you are in early labor, active labor, or nearly ready to push…

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B is for Bishop Score

B is for Bishop Score

The Bishop Score is used to rate how ready your cervix is for induction or how likely labor is to start on its own.  The Bishop Score adds up points from five measurements: dilation, effacement, the baby’s station, consistency of your cervix, and the position of your cervix

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