M is for Mastitis

M is for Mastitis

During your breastfeeding journey you are almost guaranteed to have some engorgement—at a minimum when your milk comes in—another breastfeeding related ailment you may or may not face is mastitis.  Mastitis is an inflammation of tissue in your breast and may also include an infection.  The inflammation can cause tenderness or pain, swelling, redness, and warmth whether or not an infection is also present.  Many women say that having mastitis can feel like you have the flu, they say they feel completely run down with all over body tenderness.  Mastitis is most commonly associated with breastfeeding, but it can also occur in men and women who have not breastfed…

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E is for Engorgement

E is for Engorgement

Engorgement can happen once your mature milk comes in and can last for a few days or more.  When your mature milk comes in you begin producing much larger quantities of milk than you were when producing colostrum.  In addition to the extra milk your breasts also fill with extra blood and fluids to help in the milk production process.  Usually this occurs two to five days after your baby is born.  This engorgement will last while your body regulates your milk production, adjusting your supply to fit the demands of your baby – this could take a few days or weeks.  If you are not breast feeding this period can be particularly uncomfortable…

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