What is HypnoBirthing? - Guest Blog

What is HypnoBirthing? - Guest Blog

When I talk about the HypnoBirthing® childbirth education classes that I teach many people either don’t know what it is or think it is about giving birth in water or having a birth experience without any pain at all (which is actually true for some women. Not common, but possible.).

If you’ve ever wondered what HyponBirthing is and if it might be the right childbirth education course for you, here is a summary of what it is, what it’s not, and what’s typically covered in a 5-week class series…

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A is for Amniotic Fluid

A is for Amniotic Fluid

You hear a lot about amniotic fluid indicating labor, or breaking while in labor, but you don’t hear much about amniotic fluid during pregnancy, so let me tell you all about amniotic fluid during pregnancy.  Amniotic fluid is a slightly yellow, clear fluid that fills the amniotic sac within the first 12 days following conception, starting out mostly as water.  Your baby floats in the amniotic fluid throughout your pregnancy.  The amount of amniotic fluid varies during your pregnancy and typically reaches it max at 34 weeks…

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